Friday, July 29, 2011

Easier Said Than Done

Often, people tell you exactly the advice you need to hear, not the words you are looking for. You know this truth deep down in your heart, so you don't often want to hear it. But, you need to hear it.

This advice is much easier said than done. I recently read a blog which wrote, "Often we consider an opportunity based on how easy it is. The problem with this analysis is that if it's easy, it's often not worth doing."

Is that how most people choose which direction to go in life, by looking at which path is easier? Probably.

I had my fortune read by a friend yesterday who is adamant about his talent to do such things. The cards tell you the message you need to hear, not the one you are looking for. While I was dying to know if I would win the lottery, find a true love, that's not what I heard. Instead, the cards told me that I need to let go of the past before I can move on to the future.

No kidding. This has been my biggest problem.

Let go. People say these two powerful words to others all the time. One does one go about doing it? If they knew how, perhaps they would have done it already.

Does living your life like nothing ever happened count? You can't forget about what happened in the past, so you often think about it- but it doesn't stop you from living, doing your work. Does that count?

How does one "let go"? There are no solid directions online...I checked. Sure, there's lots of advice. But nothing substantial that most people haven't tried.

So, how does one really "let go" if they are trying to move on?

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