Monday, August 22, 2011

When You Want Too Much

People say a lot about rich people. They are greedy, they don't care about others, and they only care about making more money.

I hear comments all the time about how the Republicans are only rich people and care about helping corporations become even richer. How the Democrats aren't doing anything to help create jobs, and are letting corporations send their jobs overseas.

Although I am personally not wealthy, I do live in the same community with these people. I consider it a sociology lesson. I study how they behave, what they wear, where they go to school and work. Its amazing, really it is. Are the comments I have read and heard about the rich wrong? Yes...and no.

Everyone is different. There are plenty of poor people who are greedy and selfish. If they had the opportunity to become powerful, to take everything, there are plenty that would.

Recently, life's "little epiphanies" have come to visit again. It rained non-stop last week- and I really mean everyday. I took a day off from work, and it was the one day an opportunity arose. A friend emailed me to let me know they were selling their car, and would I be interested in buying it. Would I?

For those of you who are not aware, I drive a 17-year old rusted Chevy...that I love. But, it is on its last legs. I need a new car, but I do not want one. But, I have no choice but to find something. And now, this opportunity appeared! Hoorah, she is also asking a pretty reasonable price.

BUT, here is where it gets tricky. I have been saving a little money and I was going to use it to go away on vacation for one week. I am not talking anything fancy here, it doesn't even include flying. This would be a one week vacation to a beach about 2 hours away.

I cannot afford both. It is one or the other. The car, or the vacation?

But, gosh darnit, I want both! I really really do. I deserve it. I work hard, and I need a vacation. I don't ever take any days off...ever. Once, a person walked into my office and started complaining about how they had not been on vacation in over 6 months. Are you kidding me lady, 6 months! I haven't had a vacation in two about that?!

I NEED the car, but I WANT the vacation. I feel like life is telling me to do both, but I haven't figured out a way yet. I even asked my parents what they thought, and they think I should just buy the car. They can't loan me the money, my father is ill.

So, it reminds me. Rich people are not the only greedy ones in life. The non-rich can also be a little greedy. I want both. But you can't always get what you want in life. All signs are pointing me to this being the right time to buy this car, so I will. The vacation will just have to wait.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Always Looking In

Do you ever feel like an outsider? I do.

I do not merely feel like an outsider. I am an outsider. Sometimes, I even see my reflection in the window- and its scary. Sometimes I only look in and see the others. They are laughing, smiling, having fun.

The others- they know exactly what they are doing. They know where they fit in and how. They are comfortable in their own skin, even if it might be botoxed and surgeried.

The others- they laugh with confidence in their lives. They are satisfied and pleased with their accomplishments- a marriage, their place at work, the kids they've had.

And I don't know where to begin. Where do I start? I'm so busy trying to get a bite of anything, and yet, I get nothing. No success at work. No success with marriage, or love. No success with anything else that matters.

Does that mean I am a failure at life?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

Life can be rather confusing. We are talk to do one thing, and yet see people doing differently.

I've always thought maybe I'm a bit autistic. I translate things a bit too literally sometimes. For instance, when a friend tells me to meet them at a cafe at 10am, I actually show up at 10am expecting them to be there too. Instead, when they show up at 10:30am and I am livid, they can't imagine why.

There are other things too. Take for instance the government. With the current argument regarding the debt ceiling, the focus seems to be on the positive- the fact that the country will save $2 Trillion. What few people are discussing is the fact that the country will still be overspending by almost $8 Trillion.

I was always taught to live within my means. Meaning...if I only had $1, then I was eating Ramen for dinner. I never attempted to eat at Balducci's and charge the dinner, only to worry later how I would pay for it. I worry now.

So if we, as Americans, are supposed to live within our means, why isn't the government modeling that type of behavior?

Why aren't parents modeling their behavior if they want their child to be a better person?

Modeling is an important feature in society, and it is often overlooked and undervalued. If we all modeled ourselves better, then society might be a better place someday.